Don’s is looking forward to a new facility to showcase our products!
Work is progressing on the new home of Don’s Mobile Glass on Scenic Drive in Modesto. The land is on the site of the former Scenic Nursery. When it’s complete, Don’s will have a new main office of 28,000-square-feet. Of that, 6,000-square-feet will be a showroom, warehouse and store. The new facility will combine H Street and our Bunker Warehouse together in one beautiful showroom. The move was reported last year in the Modesto Bee.
The site is being prepared by Ross F. Carroll, Inc., a full-service contractor from Oakdale. Their motto: “We make dirt look clean.” Also helping with the build is Western Valley Development in Salida.
Don’s employees are excited about the build because it will give them a fresh, new home from which to showcase all the glass repair and glass replacement products that Don’s provides, from auto glass to residential glass to commercial glass, including shower doors and replacement windows. Don's has been providing quality service with quality products since 1960 in the Modesto area.
Modesto | Scenic Drive | Shower Doors | Replacement Windows | Glass Repair | Glass Replacement | Don’s Mobile Glass
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