Eyes on Your Windows | Replacement Windows

When choosing replacement windows, make sure the style complements your home’s architecture.

The last big weekend of summer is over. You closed it out by driving over to Stockton to watch the Nuts close out their season. Now, thoughts are turning to the upcoming holidays and making sure your home is décor ready. That might involve a bit of renovating, like changing out your old windows for insulated glass replacement windows. It’s a project you’ve been putting off for a long time.

You’ve been putting it off because you’re worried about making the right style choice. As This Old House says, “Choosing a window style that goes with the rest of your house is another crucial concern. The wrong choice can ruin the look of your house and lower resale value.”

This Old House offers several general rules for choosing windows that enhance your home:

Traditional or colonial-style homes look best with small double-hung windows with divided lights-referred to as ‘six-over-six’ or ‘eight-over-eight’ to describe the number of panes in each sash.

“For modern or contemporary homes, large, metal-frame units are a safe bet.

“Ranch-style houses often look best with out-swing casement windows that don't have divided lights.

“If you don't like the window style you're replacing, look at designs in similar homes.”

And of course, you can always ask your representative at Don’s Mobile Glass. Don’s has been the trusted replacement window expert in the Central Valley for more than 55 years. Don’s has offices in Modesto, Manteca, Turlock and Merced for all types of custom and other glass, from auto glass to residential glass to commercial glass. Don’s are also specialists in all glass repair and glass replacement.

Modesto | Replacement Windows | Glass Repair | Glass Replacement | Don’s Mobile Glass

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