Give your dad the gift of a shiny, clear windshield for Father's Day.
Sunday is Father’s Day and you’re looking for the perfect way to celebrate. You figure you’ll start off on Saturday with a trip to the Modesto Nuts game where they’ll be celebrating Graffiti Night. But you still want to do something more.
What you’d really like to do is buy him a new car – the one he’s driving now has some dings. The windshield has scrapes and scratches from the windshield wipers and the side window is cracked from the baseball that hit it when Dad was teaching the kids how to pitch. For some reason, he’s just never gotten around to fixing it.
But you could. It’s easy to do. Just call Don’s Mobile Glass and we’ll come to the car and repair or replace the windshield, rear window or side windows in no time. Hey, you could even get us to do it while you’re at the Nuts game and really surprise him with a shiny windshield and windows when the game is over. An extra plus is that the gift isn’t just for looks, it could also be life saving. As Wonder How To points out: Don’t ignore even small cracks but get them fixed asap because the entire windshield is weakened and failing to repair it “could be lethal.”
Don’s has been the go-to company for windshield repair and windshield replacement in the Central Valley for more than 55 years. We’re the experts in auto glass but we also do custom, residential and commercial glass. We have offices in Modesto, Manteca, Turlock and Merced but we come to you 24/7/365.
Windshield Repair CA | Windshield Replace CA | Auto Glass CA
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