When those baseballs go wild, you can end up searching for an expert in windshield replacement or repair.
With baseball season in full swing, your kids and their friends are full of plans to join the Modesto Nuts when they grow up. You thought that was great until you heard that smashing sound of glass breaking and discovered you need a new windshield.
Bad as that is, you figure you can just pick up the phone and call the cheapest place you can find. Right?
Not so fast, says car expert Edmunds.com.
“When faced with replacing a windshield, many car owners default to the lowest-price option. But if you take this route and are in a serious accident, your decision could cost you your life,” Edmunds says. “An incorrectly installed windshield could pop out in an accident, allowing the roof to cave in and crush the car's occupants. Furthermore, when the front airbags deploy, they exert a tremendous force on the windshield and will blow out one that is not firmly glued in place.”
What’s the best thing to do? Well, you need to find an installer that’s certified by the Auto Glass Safety Council. Certification is important because it keeps installers up to date on advances in adhesives and changing automotive designs. You can go to the website (safewindshields.org) and search on your zip code to find a nearby certified installer; or, just call Don’s Mobile Glass. We are certified by the council. And, we have more than 55 years’ experience in the Central Valley with windshield repair and windshield replacement. (We also do all other glass products from auto glass to commercial glass to residential glass.) We have shops in Modesto, Manteca, Turlock and Merced, but we come to you, wherever you are – 24/7/365.
Windshield Replace CA | Windshield Repair CA | Windshield Repair Turlock
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